Brilliant Burns!

On Wednesday 8th March, Leona McCormack, Lewis Dickie, Logan Cargill and Marcus Ennis represented Murrayfield P.S. at the annual WL Burns’ Federation competition, held in St Kentigern’s Academy. Leona and Lewis competed in the P4/5 Poetry section, Logan and Marcus in the P6/7 Poetry section. As in previous years, the standard of entrants were incredibly high, as children from all over West Lothian participated in the event.

Leona had the nerve-wracking job of being the very first person to recite their poem, however, she performed ‘Red Red Rose’ confidently and with a smile on her face! Lewis had the audience scratching, with his rendition of ‘Tae a Louse’ – another fine performance!

The boys had to wait  until all the younger children had performed before they could take their turn. Both Marcus and Logan had learned an extract from ‘Tam O’ Shanter’,  not an easy poem to learn! They were word perfect and could be heard clearly at the back of the hall.

Our young people were a credit to themselves, their family and the school. They received a well-deserved certificate from the Burns’ Club and a book token from the school, in acknowledgement of their hard work and participation.

Well done to you all – you should be very proud of yourselves! 🙂

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