News from Primary 2F

What have we been learning this week?


We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes – Millie

We have been learning x2 tables in maths – Adriana

We have been learning the x4 tables – Zoe

We have been practising our handwriting – Cameron

We have been solving problems in maths – William

We were writing about our favourite movie – Hali

We were reading our new books – Kaiili

We are learning to read with expression – Rhian and Cameron

We have enjoyed doing Early Intervention with Miss Akram again – William

We have been revising ar/or sounds and other sounds – Millie

We have been revising oi, ou, igh with Miss Adam – Sean

We helped do the Biscuit and Blether on Healthy Eating today –


Thank you to my helpers Kailli, Alfie, Sean and Cameron – Miss Adam . You did a great job and well done to the Mummies that came along.

Have a nice weekend




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