Happy New Year from P5/4

P5/4’s New Year Song

Welcome back to this exciting term in Primary 5/4.  Please click on the link above to hear P5/4 wishing everyone a Happy 2017 in their own, unique way!

We have already learned lots even though we’ve only been back at school for 2 and a half days!

Emma – We were told that our new topic is going to be Mary, Queen of Scots.

Neve – This week we made Mary, Queen of Scots fact files.

Anna – I’m looking forward to getting my new reading book.

Kirstin – I liked making our 2017 New Year’s resolutions for display in our classroom.

Liam – I liked working with a partner to complete chimney sums.

Zander – I learned that an algorithm is a posh word for a sum.

Jack – I liked doing handwriting.

Scott – I liked finding out where my new seat would be in the classroom.

Rachael – I learned that chronological order means the order that things happened in.

Kaiden – We learned how to log into GLOW and we now know how to email people.

Neive – We sent photographs of Mary, Queen of Scots to Mrs Vince on our emails as an attachment.

Christopher – We completed a KWL grid on Mary, Queen of Scots.  This let Mrs Vince know what we already know about her and what we would like to know as well as how we want to learn about her.

Robbie – We said that we would like to go on a trip to find out about Mary, Queen of Scots and Mrs Vince said that she would try to organise this.


Homework will return as normal next week with spelling being given out on Monday.  Maths worksheets will also be given out on Monday.  Both homework tasks should be completed and returned, signed by a parent/guardian on Thursday.


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