Update from P2S

We have been learning about Respect – Eve

Respect means respecting your environment – Millie

P2S and P2F, both classes together have been learning about Respect and we done our Assembly today – Peter

We made posters for the CAB competition – Amber

Millie’s dad (the policeman) came and spoke to us – Amber

We have been learning how to write a Poem – Robert

We wrote our poems on colours – Elsie

We have been doing our Reading – Robbie

A massive well done to both Primary 2S and 2F for a fabulous performance at their Assembly today, a super proud Miss Akram! 🙂  Even though they worked super hard at assembly they still managed to do some problem solving after it! What great teamwork from P2S to solve the problem blocks together! (See pictures below)

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂 

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