Murrayfield Gets Healthy!

As part of our Healthy Families, Healthy Children focus, P6 have been learning all about food preparation and hygiene. We have tasted a range of exciting fruits some delicious (mango!) and some not so delicious (beetroot!). We really enjoyed trying these fruits and using powerful adjectives to describe them!

We also prepared a class Greek salad and all managed to have a taste… You can see by our faces that we enjoyed it!

One thought on “Murrayfield Gets Healthy!”

  1. Miss Gibson, if your class enjoyed the fruit tasting as much as the P7/6, then it must have been a great afternoon.

    I will post some pictures of the P7/6 class chopping and peeling the fruit and in some cases, arranging it beautifully on plates before they did their tasting. We also learned how to use equipment safely and to think of the safety of those around us. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.


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