Murrayfield Nursery Class

This week we introduced a Talking and Thinking box with the children. This was a box filled with items associated with summer. The children selected an item and then described what it was and how or why you would use it. The items included a summer hat, a beach ball, flip flops and creatures you would find in rock pools. The children were really engaged in this experience and could describe how you would use each of these items. We recorded all of their responses on a large sheet of paper which is displayed in the nursery. During group we discussed how to keep ourselves safe in the summer which included discussions on suncream, hats and drinking lots of water. We will continue with the summer theme next week.

Below you can find dates and times for the nursery events coming up:


Tuesday 14th June – sports day (hopefully it will be dry)

10.15am – morning session

2.15pm – afternoon session

Please come to the nursery door and watch the sports


Monday 27th June – Graduation picnic

10am – morning session

2pm – afternoon session

Join your child for a summer picnic and celebrate moving on to primary one or their pre-school year

Remember the nursery will be closed for the election day on Thursday 23rd June

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