P1 News

This week in P1 we have been working on developing our writing skills. We are really trying to challenge ourselves by using a sentence opener to describe when our stories took place, a joining word to join together two sentences and for some of us, extending our stories by writing an extra sentence. It is hard work and some of us fall in to the learning pit but having a positive mind-set to look for a solution, really helps us achieve good results.

We learned the sound ‘nk’ this week and made ‘nk’ words out of plasticine. We have also been working on sorting pictures to show the sound that they begin with as well as our blending and reading skills.

We have been looking at the different ways to make 9 using numicon and other concrete materials in numeracy.  Mrs Mackie thought she was being sneaky when she added some extra number bonds to different numbers in our tasks but she didn’t fool us and we managed to solve the problems!

A big thank you to Caitlin, Eva and Logan who volunteered to help out at the ‘Numeracy Biscuit and Blether’ this morning.  You did a great job telling the adults who came along how we use numicon in the classroom to help us.

We are still learning about money in Maths.  It’s quite tricky but we are beginning to recognise the different coins and add up their amounts to buy stuff.  We have been playing a super game on the internet to help us.

Use the link below to play the game at home:


The snow and freezing cold weather didn’t stop us from keeping fit and healthy this week.  We couldn’t get outside for PE so we made sure that we worked out in the classroom.  It was hard work keeping up with the entire workout and we had nice rosy cheeks (and sweaty foreheads) afterwards!

Have a good weekend everyone!

P1 and Mrs Mackie

2 thoughts on “P1 News”

  1. Well done Joanna. I’m glad you enjoy the tasks we do in P1. Next week we will be doing more taking away…we might use numicon!

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