First week back!

Our first week back to P1 after the Christmas holidays has been a really busy one.

On Monday we spoke about New Year and we found out about resolutions.  We made our own.

Here are some of the things we want to do this year:

Be a kind boy. – Jamie (although we already think you are Jamie!)

Count to twenty. – Riley & Logan

Learn my sounds and be nice. – Brooke

Be a good friend. – Adam

Count past one hundred. – Eva

Be a good listener. – Caitlin O

Share with people. – Macey

Listen to Mrs Mackie. – Joanna (you are good at this already!)

Learn to read. – Caitlin B

In literacy we learned the ‘ai’ sound.  We made the sound using play-dough, wrote it in sand used it in a word to make a sentence.  It was trickier than we thought!

We looked at a picture of a snowy night scene.  We had to talk with our partners about three things: what we could see, what we might hear and how we might feel.  We then had to share our ideas with the rest of the class.  In our picture it was snowing but inside our classroom it was cosy, so we went outside for two minutes to feel how cold it was, as it was a frosty morning.  Someone said it was cold but Mrs Mackie asked for a better word to describe how we felt.  Ally said it FREEZING!

Then we had to use our ideas to write a story.  We used the sounds we have been learning to help us.  Mrs Mackie thinks we have written super stories using our imaginations.


In numeracy we have been learning our number bonds to 6 as well as doing lots of counting.  We discovered that there is a pattern in the numbers on a 100 square and we were able to use this to count up to 50 together.  We found it a bit challenging going from 29 to 39 to 40 and 49 to 50 but we won’t give in and will continue to keep learning.

In Maths we were learning about prepositional language. Prepositions tell us where something is (for example, beside, under, on, against, beneath or over). We played a guessing game to see if we could say where the seahorse was hiding.  We also learned a song to help us show where things are.  We are hoping that Mrs Mackie can figure out how to post it to the blog so that we can share it with you!

We are looking forward to our first assembly of the new year tomorrow and seeing our classmate and friend  Eva being presented with her first Head Teacher’s Award.

Have a good weekend when it comes.



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