Our Week in P4

It has been a busy, hard-working week in P4. We are continuing to reflect on our learning through the four contexts.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In P.E this week we played capture the flag, a game from the olden days. We practised our running and dodging skills.

We learned about anti-bullying week by making posters to persuade people to choose kindness over bullying. We included persuasive language such as ‘in my opinion’ and ‘it is vital’…

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our writing skills to help us create posters about farming during our topic lesson.

Ethos and Life of the school

The school value we have been learning about this week is respect. We have shown respect by being kind to others, by talking about anti-bullying week and by showing good manners at all times.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Well done to Kirsty for receiving a successful learner Head Teacher award for reading lots of tricky words.

Well done to boys and girls in P4 for achieving new skills in boys brigade, sports clubs and even dog training clubs, too.

Thank you to the parent council for making our cinema trip happen. We had a great time.

Have a spectacular weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

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