As always, it has been a busy week in P1 with lots of learning going on.
This week in Literacy we have learned the ‘b’ and the ‘h’ sounds. We have been taking part in lots of activities to help us recognise, say, read and write the sounds. We have even been blending them with other sounds to read words.
We wrote invites to our grown ups asking them to come along to our nativity ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ on Wednesday 12th December. We have been working hard on learning our nativity songs and would love to share them with you. Tickets will be on sale soon from the school office (we even designed the tickets – how talented are we?).
In Numeracy this week we have been revising missing numbers on number lines as well as developing our skills in counting and addition.
We also learned about firework safety and the things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe while having fun. We designed posters to help others learn the firework safety code. We each chose a rule and then had to draw a picture which gave a clear message of how to stay safe.
Afterwards, we wrote an acrostic poem together then we painted firework pictures without using paintbrushes or even our hands!
We also learned about the Hindu festival of Diwali and how millions of people celebrate it. We listened to a Diwali story about Rama and Sita and even made our own Diwali lamps.
We are looking forward to lots more learning next week. Have a good weekend!