Word Boost within Murrayfield ELC

This week we launched Word Boost within the setting. Word Boost allows us to aid and develop the children’s vocabulary by introducing specific words for the children to hear and hopefully allowing them to gain an understanding of these words through stories and their play. Each week the children will be read a story that relates to the specific topic we are learning about, this is currently Autumn. Within the story we shall pick out four key words for the children to hear and hopefully use in different situations. The children are encouraged to try and use these words as often as possible.

This week at story time we are reading What a Mess!! which is about a mouse and a bear playing inside their house due to the Autumn weather. As part of the story the words the practitioners are focusing on Swerve, Trembled, Enormous and Bustling.

Each week, a copy of the words are placed on the Word Boost displays. Keep a look out for these words and perhaps you can use them with your child outwith the ELC setting.

Miss McClory

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