I spy with my little eye….

At the beginning of the week we were learning all about the parts of our eyes.

We have been using our eyes a lot this week and have been taking part in activities where we didn’t use our eyes.  We found out that not having our sight can be tricky BUT we were surprised by how well we could still manage to do things.

We drew a picture with our eyes open and then we had to draw the same picture with our eyes shut tight.

Then decide which  one we found to be more challenging!  Can you guess from our drawings?

We also had to guide our partner through an obstacle course when they were blindfolded!  That was really challenging as we had to give clear instructions to get them through safely!

As well as learning about our senses this week we managed to get outside for Outdoor Gym!  It was a bit windy and some of our equipment blew away but we stuck with it and had fun!


We also had a visit from the Nursery children.  We read Ten Little Monsters and made a mummy!

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