Word Boost Snowy Day Story Challenge

Can you use our weekly words in a snowy day story?  This week’s words are:

drone (v) –  a continuous low humming sound

flinched (v) – Make a quick, nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to fear or pain.

beacon (n) – a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration

precariously (adv) – In a way that is not securely in position and is likely to fall or collapse.

pleading (n) – the action of making an emotional or earnest appeal to someone

intrigued (v) – arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate

Remember to add in figurative language to your story to add interesting details to engage the reader.

You could post an interesting sentence using some of words onto the blog 🙂

4 thoughts on “Word Boost Snowy Day Story Challenge”

  1. As I edged precariously along the cliff edge, I heard a drone and was intrigued to find out where it was coming from. I vigorously climbed the rocks to see more clearly, pleading to myself that it would spot me and I would be found, wishing desperately that I had a beacon to signal my position clearly.

  2. Wow! Excellent use of our words Lara! I challenge you to either continue building up the sentences into a story or add some further description to your sentences using examples of figurative language. I hope you’ve found time to play out in the snow too! I imagine the snow drifts to be fairly large around the area you live. Horse riding or book reading? Stay safe!

  3. I haven’t been able to ride due to the snow. But I have been able to have a nice cup of tea and read a book.

  4. Glad to hear you are reading! Perfect weather for curling up with a good book. Milk rationing in my house, so cups of tea are limited 🙂

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