Primary 3 – World Book Day

As we were going to be celebrating World Book Day today in class, here are some activities you could still do at home to be shared back in school:

Write a review of your favourite story – describe your favourite part/ character and explain why you like this.

Draw your favourite book character, use interesting vocabulary to write down words to describe this character around the page.

Write your own snow adventure story to be shared in class.

Take part in shared reading – read a story with mums/dads/brothers/sisters/grannies/grandads – anyone at home!

Make a world book day snow scultpure – be creative and try to make your favourite book character from snow 🙂

I look forward to seeing photos & hearing all about your snowy adventures.

Miss Calder 🙂

2 thoughts on “Primary 3 – World Book Day”

  1. Today, Megan has read ‘Stick Man’ to her brother. She managed to sound out all the words herself and said to us that it all made sense when she was reading it! She also read ‘Max at Night’ to us.

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