P7 News

Primary Seven have been extremely busy this week working on The Jungle Book show with P6 and P7/6 pupils.  We are pleased to report the scenes are coming along well.  This week we have been having reading scripts, learning lines and singing songs with the backing tracks, trying hard to project our voices to be heard and learning to act in different roles.


In class, we had a WW2 handling artefacts session with Maureen Liddle. We were all interested, but shocked by the amount of ounces/grams of rations each person was allocated per week. It was great to be able to look and touch Ration books, suitcases, clothing and other items from 1940’s.  It has made the topic very meaningful.



We have also become evacuees and discussed what it felt like to be going away from home from our parents. Researching using laptops has given us more information about evacuees experiences.  We are hoping to transfer our knowledge into our writing through creating personal imaginative letters home to parents.

Still Frame – In role as an evacuee

In role as evacuees
In role as evacuees

Remember next week we need to dress up as a book character on Thursday 1st March.  I look forward to identifying each book character who attends my class on that day 🙂

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