news from Primary 3/2

The primary 2s were sequencing their books – Sophie

We were adding up money – Rhian

We were practising our reading – Macaulay

We were watching Mr Peabody and Sherman visit Ancient Egypt – Lucy

We finished our giant Sarcophagus – Cameron

We were writing our next part of our Egyptian story – Julia

We were painting Tutankahmun’s death mask – Jase

We were ordering numbers up to 100 – Jakub

We learning tens and units – Alex

We were learning bigger/smaller with tens and units – Macaulay

We were learning about place value up to 100 – Rhian

We were learning place value 4 digit numbers – Leyla

The circles were ordering numbers up to 5000 – Cameron

We were learning the igh sound – Jakub

We were learning the ai, ay, a-e and igh and i-e – Cameron


Well done to this weeks Head Teacher award winners :

Macaulay Owens

Sophie Tait

Lucy King

Eva Brogan

Alex McKenna

Keep up the good work !


See you back at school on Wednesday.

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