News from Primary 3/2

What have we been learning this week?

We’ve been learning lots of facts about the Egyptians – Leyla

Once a person died, the Egyptians removed all their organs except their heart and fed their brain to animals – Leyla

They made bricks from the mud of the Nile to build their houses – Noah

They made paper from papyrus reeds – Eva

The Egyptians lived near the river Nile to survive – Charlie

The rich people had beds, the poor people slept on the floor or the roof of their houses – Leyla

The slaves did not get paid in money, but food – Lewis

If you unwrapped a mummy, the bandages would be 1.6km long – Cameron & Brooke

It took them 20 years to build the Great Pyramid – Rhian

We have been learning about money – counting coins up to £5.00

–  Leyla

We have been learning about Place Value – Cameron – thousands, hundreds, tens and units

We have learning tens and units – Charlie

We were learning hundreds, tens and units – Macaulay & Jay James

We were writing a book review – Brooke

We were learning words that have a silent c – Leyla

We were doing handwriting – Leyla

We were revising sh, ch and th and wh – Jay James

We were writing a News Report about our weekend – Cameron

We were exercising in the class (as it was too snowy outside) – Cameron 

We dressed down in our pyjamas for the Nursery’s Bedtime Reading event – Rhian

Here are our three Unicorns from yesterday! Cute!

Have a super snowy weekend.

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