P7 news 3.11.17

On the minibus

This week in p7

We have been learning:

  • how to survive in Bathgate Academy
  • using decimals and fractions
  • how to ceilidh dance

Everyone has now been allocated jobs to support in and around the school. We have been given the following roles to build our interpersonal skills and support the younger pupils:

  • Literacy Leaders
  • Maths Ambassadors
  • Lunch Leaders
  • Digital Leaders
  • Playground Prefect
  • House Captain
  • Vice Captain
  • Fundraising Team
  • Peer Mediator
  • Football Academy
  • Pupil Council
  • CAB representatives
  • Eco Experts


On Thursday P7 went to Bathgate Academy to take part in the Transition Treasure Hunt. We had a lot of fun finding the answers, speaking to S6 pupils and meeting staff in different departments at the Academy.

Date for you diary

P7 will be hosting the whole school assembly on Friday 17th November.  Please come along to watch.

Hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend from P7 🙂

Thank you to Leah Graham, Lara Findlay and Callan Cairney for writing our blog entry this week.

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