This week in P1

We have had a short but busy week in Primary 1!

We have been revising all our learning from term 1 this week.  In numeracy we continued to revise all our numbers from 0-10 and have been working with ten frames this week.  In literacy we were focused on our common word “The” and even went on a “the” hunt round our classroom.   All children managed to write “the” on their whiteboards and practiced the formation of this word all week.  They were even challenged to build “the” using lego and all managed the challenging task! Well done! 🙂

We finished off our Autumn topic this week and looked at patterns through our topic.  The children had to continue  an Autumn pattern.

The children also had lot’s of fun last night at their Halloween Disco!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment)

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