We have had another busy week in P1.
This week we have been learning about what transport might look like in the future. We watched video clips about new transport inventions. We then designed a mode of futuristic transport and then built it out of junk modelling, Lego or building blocks. We made some super designs! Marchello even made a car that he could fit in to! We also sorted different types of transport into whether they were from the past, the present or the future.
In this topic we have found out about lots of different types of transport. One of our tasks was to think about how people in the olden days might have traveled before cars, trains and buses were invented. Some of us thought that our mum or dad might have traveled by horse and cart!
In Literacy this week we have learned the sound ‘sh’. Mrs Mackie thought we were telling her to be quiet every time she showed us the sound card and asked us what it said! We were able to name and sort some things that have the ‘sh’ sound in them. Ask us if we can remember any of the words.
In Numeracy we have been working on subtraction. We have been able to work out our answers using a number line. We have been using computer games to help us. Here are some free online games we can play at home:
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train (choose the – carriage on the train)
Have a lovely weekend!