P4 News – Contexts For Learning


We have had a busy week in P4. Let’s share some of our learning.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In PE this week we have been learning all about Scottish Country Dancing. We work on our movement skills and are beginning to work together.

For technologies this week we have been designing and creating some Christmas craft to sell at our school fayre. This has helped us to learn about enterprise and our skills for work.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We used our reading skills to help our learning in Problem Solving this week. Reading the problems helped us to understand what sums to do.

Ethos & Life of the School

The school value we have been learning about this week is Growth Mindset. We develop and show our growth mindset by not giving up and continuing to try our best, even when something is challenging. We try hard to climb out of the learning pit!

Opportunities for Personal Achievements

Well done to Alex, Riley, Leah and Alicia for receiving ‘successful learner’ Head Teacher’s awards this week!

Well done to Elsie for winning a prize in Mrs Stewart’s number family competition!

Well done to all pupils who have shared sporting achievements this week, too.

We hope you have a brilliant weekend!

Primary 4, Miss Calder & Miss Hoey

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