A busy week in P1

We can’t believe how quickly the time is passing in P1.  It must be because we are always so busy!

This week we went along to the French cafe in P5 with Mrs Craig.  We tried lots of different French food.  Some we loved but others we weren’t too sure about!



We have also been working hard on our literacy skills and have been sliding the sounds we can heard together to make words.  We had to listen carefully and decide whether the sounds came at the start, the middle or the end of the word.We have also been playing games which help us to recognise and remember the different sounds we have been learning.

In numeracy we have been working on recognising and using numbers 7,8,9 and 10 .  We looked for the numbers within a mix of lots of different numbers, did lots of counting to 10 and back to 0 again, made the numerals from play-doh and wrote the numbers. We even made number 8 spiders because a spider has 8 legs!

Next week we will be looking for evidence that Autumn has arrived, finding out about our sense of touch and revising all of our sounds and numbers that we have been learning about.

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