Our ELC Forest Walks

Today was the first day we went out of the nursery to a small forest area within Blackburn. Within our small groups we built dens, climbed trees and explored the area to find some autumn items like leaves and sticks.

When in the woods the children talked about how the autumn weather had turned the leaves different colours and how they have fallen off the trees. ‘The leaves are now turning red, yellow and black.’ said Jessica and Zak.

The children enjoyed climbing the trees with James saying that he was a monkey swinging in the trees. Callum was sitting in the trees saying that this was his couch and he was watching everyone below him. Once they helped build a den, the children described how they would like to have a picnic with marshmallows, strawberries and sandwiches.
All the children then hunted for good sticks that would allow them to toast marshmallows on. Zak said he found an enormous stick which means its a really big stick.

Harris decided to hide on the trees saying ‘I am a chameleon and I am camouflaged which means I am invisible against the tree’.

Today showed the children showed  taking part in risky play, good investigation skills and fantastic team working. We hope to take more children out over the next few weeks but most of all they LOVED IT!!

Was a great day.

Miss McClory. Miss Clarke, Mrs Watson, Miss MacDonald, Mrs Buckle and Miss Bennett

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