P5/4 Weekly Blog – 31.08.18

Another fantastic week in Primary 5/4.  The children have enjoyed learning about:

  • Where to display our learning e.g. French display
  • Learning Pit and all about how to use the 5 B’s to help us complete our tasks.
  • Thank you to Mrs Wedlock for teaching Primary 4 about Time e.g. setting out using our SHM4 textbooks.
  • Edinburgh Book Festival – Mrs Glancy and Primary 5 enjoyed visiting the author Theresa Breslin.
  • A ‘Key Moment’ using our new Wordsmith resource.
  • Starting our autobiographies.

Well done to Cameron, who is this week’s raffle prize winner!

Homework will be starting next week.  Please remember to sign and check over your child’s homework.  Homework will be collected in each Thursday.

Gym Days – Outdoor Monday (Mrs Glancy) and Indoor Thursday (Mrs Logan)

Primary 5: Please remember to be prepared for swimming on Monday 3rd September, with Mrs Craig and Primary 5.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday.

Mrs Glancy and Primary 5/4

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