All the fun and learning in Primary 1

Hi all,

It has been such a busy few weeks in Primary 1 that we haven’t had a chance to update you all with all the fun and learning we have had!

We have been looking at our sounds “igh” “oi” and “ou” and working on doing lots of blending to help us read and write.  The boys and girls have been working really hard on their blending and it is coming across in their reading and writing lessons! 😀

We have also been working on jumbled up sentences so we have an understanding on sentence structure and use our blending skills to read!

We have been looking at ensuring we are remembering our capital letters, full stops

and finger spaces a LOT the last few weeks as we are nearly Primary 2 so we should be really good at remembering them in our writing! We are having more fun with writing now because of our super “mighty writer” mat where we can create our own imaginative (silly/funny) stories!  We have had so many funny and silly stories over the last few weeks like dinosaurs flying on a plane and Aliens eating banana cake etc.  Using the mighty writer mat has improved our understanding of adjectives and verbs, along with our word boost!  The boys and girls are trying really hard to write WOW adjectives instead of words like happy, sad, big etc we have been using words like excited, hyper, upset, furious, massive etc.  They have been working really hard to remember adjectives are describing words and verbs are actions so if you can re-inforce this at home, that would be amazing! 😀 If you want to know what a mighty writer mat is follow this link –

The Primary 1s LOVE it! Those children that once dreaded writing are now so engaged! 🙂

We have been doing lots of revision with our numbers.  Lot’s of number recognition, counting forwards and backwards,  number bonds, addition, subtraction, 1 more/1 less etc etc.  We also started looking at equal sharing this week and can share items equally between 2 people :).  In maths we have been looking at 2d and 3d shapes and revised money.  We hope to move on to Measure this week.

In topic we have been looking at our senses and enjoyed our trip to the Glasgow Science Centre a couple of weeks ago!

I think that is enough reading for one day for you lovely parents! 🙂 We have had a FABULOUS week which was topped with a SUPER FUN Sports day today!  The class earned their first whole class Head Teachers’ award because that is how awesome a week they have had! 😀

I will update you all next week!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Akram

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