P2/1 visit the Science Museum in Glasgow.

On Monday we went to the Science Museum in Glasgow.  We were all very excited and our journey began as soon as we got on the bus.  We saw lots of different things as we travelled to Glasgow.  When we were almost there we saw the Glasgow Armadillo, the Hydro (which we thought looked like a giant space ship) and the River Clyde.

Once inside the Science Museum we went to a workshop all about the senses.  We had to use of noses to smell different scents and see if we could name them.  We liked the chocolate smell the best!  We used our sense of touch to find out (without looking) what was in the box.  Granny used her ears to listen carefully as we tried to sneak up on her!  We had to use our eyes to look to see where the animals in Granny’s house were hiding and then we had to identify which ones disappeared!          


After lunch it was time to explore!

We had a fantastic day and saw lots of amazing things!

Have a super long weekend.  See you all on Tuesday.

Mrs M :o)

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