P2/1 Learning

This week in P2/1 we were learning about how things work.  We had a to decide if they worked using batteries or electricity from the sockets.

We went for a walk around the school to find out about the different things.

A clock works using batteries. – Kayleigh

A mobile phone has a battery  but we have to plug it in to charge it. – Harris

Computers are plugged in to the wall with wires. – Kian

A kettle is plugged in. – David

In Mr Wilson’s wee room there was a fridge and that is plugged in to the wall. -Rhys

The remote control for the Smart Board works with batteries. – Ruby

The photocopier had a plug so it gets it’s electricity from the socket. – Cooper


We also did some World Book Day activities on Monday.  We listened to the story of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam.   Then we watched the illustrator draw Sam and we copied him.  You can see some of our work below.  All the other pictures will be displayed on the wall outside of our classroom so you will be able to see them at Parent Consultations.

We have also been keeping ourselves healthy by joining in with some Go Noodle activities to raise our heart rates, followed by some  yoga to cool ourselves down and stretch out our muscles!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Mrs M :o)

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