P7 learning activites for school closure

Good morning to all my lovely pupils,

School closure Learning-p7

Hope you are all warm and cosy.  Unfortunately the snow has closed the school, however learning can continue.  I’ve uploaded a series of learning activities for you to complete.  Please click on the link above to open up the document. Have fun and stay safe.  I’m looking forward to seeing  your snow fun photos from today.  Remember to share your photos on glow 🙂

Mrs Harrison

9 thoughts on “P7 learning activites for school closure”

  1. Good morning, I can’t seem to access the link sorry. Is there any other way of providing this information? Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Kind Regards
    Lorraine MacEwan.

  2. Good Morning we are also having trouble trying to access the link we have also tried Twitter, it is downloading but then we can not view.

    Kind regards Alice Mushet

  3. Thankyou for your reply Mrs Waugh.
    Unfortunately there still seems to be a problem! Not sure if it’s me though or the sites. Will try again later.
    Kind Regards
    Lorraine MacEwan

  4. Not sure what is happening here! I managed to download it just now on my laptop. I will try uploading it as a picture. Watch this space!

    Mrs M

  5. Hi Abbie, hope you’re staying warm and safe. The activities with the ‘star’ are ones I’ll be looking for responses when we return to class. I’ll happily provide feedback to any of the other tasks you complete 🙂

  6. Hi again, I see Mrs Millar has posted the actual document onto the school blog so you should be able to see it now without needing to use the link. Hopefully you have access now : )

    Mrs Waugh

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