Primary Seven News 25th January 2018

Learning highlights of the week:

Discussing mental maths strategies for division.

Our brains were literally bursting at the problems and the effort from all the children was great!  Lots of children fell deep down into our Learning Pit this week, but we are working hard to achieve and improve our skills. Being in the pit is keeping us motivated and helping us to learn from our mistakes!

In guided reading this week, we used an extract from Robert Westall book ‘Blitz’ to investigate figurative language. Hopefully over the next few weeks, we’ll use personification, metaphors and similes in our imaginative writing about World War Two events.

Reading our class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll.

We read aloud chapter one and we can’t wait to hear more!  Chapter One: Keep Calm and Carry On turned out to be a cliff hanger and left us asking so many questions about the events and people!


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