Primary Seven News

Highlights from our learning in P7

‘Letters from the Lighthouse’

This week Primary Seven were introduced to their new class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We enjoyed working with our Talk Partners to predict and think up questions about the novel by making observations from the front cover.

Image result for letters from the lighthouse


We also used the first paragraph of the story to inspire a creative writing task and wrote the next two paragraphs in the same style as the author. The children had to consider using descriptive language for the setting and try to build the suspense to engage the reader.

Outdoor Learning

The snowy weather has caused great excitement in the classroom this week!  Trying to use every experience as a learning one, we headed outside to work on learning our weekly spelling patterns.  Can you identify any of  the words?


Rounded off with a wee snowball throwing competition 🙂

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