A busy week in Primary 3


It’s been a spectacular week in P3.

In maths and numeracy we have continued with estimation and rounding to the nearest 10s and 100s. We are becoming more confident with this.

We started our reading groups again and have new books to read at home. We are going to focus on using expression when we are reading.

For writing, because of the weather this week we chose to write fictional (imaginative) stories about snow adventures. We tried to use lots of interesting vocabulary and practised VCOP.

Our new topic is Ancient Egypt. We learned about the Egyptian alphabet called hieroglyphs and challenged ourselves to write our names like this.

We have been doing work in health and wellbeing and PE with Mrs McGlynn. We practised skills for dodgeball in PE.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend. Remember to keep safe in the snow!

Primary 3 and Miss Calder

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