Busy bees of P1

It has been a busy last 2 weeks in P1.  From Bikeability to Batty to Belle!  We also squeezed in an eventful little afternoon outside into the community!  In amongst all this excitement we managed to do lot’s of learning in class too. 🙂

The last 2 weeks in literacy we were learning our sounds ‘n’, ‘k’, ‘ck’ and revising our ‘m c s a t p i n’ sounds.  In numeracy we have been looking at 9 and 10 then revising all numbers from 0-10.  After the much loved count to 100 song, P1 now have another favourite!  We have been learning to skip count in 10s and really enjoy our new song which the boys and girls love dancing to.

We started our new topic of Autumn as well.  We observed and discussed the changes around us and created our very own Autumn hand print trees.  We also created our own pictures of what Autumn looks like to us. Whether this was a squirrel or an acorn or Halloween or leaves falling from the trees, the boys and girls all have a different picture in their head when they think of Autumn.  On Tuesday of this week, we ventured out into the community and went on our very own Autumn walk! We searched for the various different colours of leaves and any other signs of Autumn.  The children had lot’s of fun looking for their own leaves and berries.

After our visit to the park for our Autumn walk we went to the library where the lovely librarian read us a book called ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’.  We then explored the books available to us at the library and enjoyed just spending time to read these books.  On Thursday we wrote a short story comparing Autumn to the colours of Autumn.  For example; “Autumn is as red as an apple……Autumn is as yellow as a banana” etc.

Last week we had an eventful week that started off with cycling around the playground and for som

e learning how to cycle! 🙂 A huge well done to Emily Zeilnis who demonstrated great resilience and manged to ride a bike for the first time without stabilisers! Super proud!  The next day we visited some stalls set up in the hall that gave us lot’s of information on how to keep safe when cycling.  On Wednesday of last week was the day the children were looking forward to; meeting Sean Batty.

On Friday of last week we had a suprise guest arrive!  Princess Belle came to visit us, although it was apparently to give Miss Akram some lessons too!  You can ask the children why I was in need of Princess lessons. 🙂

A busy and eventful last 2 weeks of the first term.  Thank you to the boys and girls for their hard work this term and making it an enjoyable first term :).

Happy Holidays from Miss Akram.

(UNCRC – article 17: I have the right to get information in lots of ways, so long as it’s safe.

article 28:  I have the right to an education.
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.

article 31: I have a right to relax and play)


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