Having fun in Primary 2!

Welcome to our Primary 2 blog for this year!

Now that we have all settled into our new class, Mrs Bowman has our time table sorted.

PE days will be Wednesdays for outside PE and Thursdays for indoor PE with Mrs McGlynn.

Homework will be issued on a Monday and needs to be completed for Thursdays. PLEASE BRING YOUR HOMEWORK BAG EVERYDAY AS WE WILL BE USING OUR READING BOOKS IN CLASS.

We have been learning:

  • how to be a good listener by sitting still, looking at the speaker, not chatting and doing good thinking
  • how to be a good friend by helping others, inviting them to play your game or using our ‘stop it I don’t like that!’ strategy.
  • we have been learning about our rights and making our charter.
  • We are learning to tell the time- o’clock and half past times.
  • We REALLY like singing our BIG number song! (this can be found on You Tube)

We can’t wait for next week!!

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