News from Primary 2F

What have we been learning this week?


We have been practising our handwriting – writing words that end in ack – Adriana

I have been reading about Haircuts – Robbie

We were doing comprehension about spiders – Zoe

We learned some spider facts – Zoe

We were measuring weight in maths – Elsie

I have been reading “Oh Jack” – Ashton

I have been answering  questions about the book “The Motorway” – Adriana

We have been learning about the life cycle of a spider – Zoe

We were writing about The Very Hungry Caterpillar this week – Alfie

We were learning about athletics – doing the high jump, practising our shot putt, and passing the baton – Jamie

Weather permitting – our Sports Day will be Monday afternoon!


Have a lovely weekend




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