P3G News

It’s been a fun week in Primary 3G.

In literacy we have been building our vocabulary. We focussed on including as many interesting and exciting words as possible in our discussions and writing. This is a challenge but can be made fun through games and activities such as word webs, filling the web with more exciting versions of a word.

We have enjoyed some new challenges in numeracy. We have created and started using multiplication, addition and subtraction wheels to help with our mental maths. We have been practising these strategies this week and will challenge ourselves next time by timing each other and possibly adding some competition too.

Our garden centre topic has been a hit in class and we have created a few displays of lovely artwork showing different flower paintings using a range of techniques. We have also been learning about what a plant needs to grow before completing sequencing tasks about how to plant and grow seeds.

We have also used the internet and non-fiction books to do some independent research about plants.

We have loved the sunshine over the past few days and have taken the time to get outdoors for some PE challenges. This has been good fun and tricky at times as we even included some of our recent learning in French when discussing the weather outside – “il fait chaud”.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 3G and Miss Calder

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