P5/4’s challenge

As this is my last week with my lovely class, I though it would be a good idea to set them a challenge for homework which I know will continue to benefit the children when I am not with them.

This week, the children have had the ‘First Minister’s Reading Challenge explained to them and we have agreed on the first of their challenges.

Everyone has chosen a personal reader in class and time will be allocated every day to enjoy some quiet reading time.  In addition to this, the children have been asked to complete pages 1 and 3 of their reading passport.

Their first challenge is to join the local library (if they are not already a member) and to borrow a book of their choice to read and enjoy.  When the book has been read fully, they will complete a book review in their reading passport.  If they think that someone else will enjoy this book, they can turn to page 36 in the passport and complete some of the information there.

This challenge will continue throughout this term and I hope to visit the children towards the end of term to see how they are getting on with their challenge.

This challenge can only work with the support of our fantastic parents and carers.  We need you to support your child in attending the library and having some quiet time to read.

I’ve attached a couple of photographs of the children already starting to enjoy their E.R.I.C. (everyone reading in class) time.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Vince

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