This week in P2/1

We have been very busy this first week back! 🙂

We have been learning:

  • I know that a cube has 6 faces – Brydin
  • We have been building towers that had to be as tall as a ruler – Charlie
  • I know a cone has 1 corner and 2 faces – Brydin
  • We have been learning how to make some 3d shapes – Miryn
  • An octagon has 8 sides – Scott
  • A hexagon has 6 sides – Aiva
  • I made a house using a triangular prism and a cube – Melanie
  • We were learning about how we get our energy – Cody-Leigh
  • We need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables – Scott and Macaulay
  • We need to eat yoghurts, bread, milk and lots of water to be healthy – Aiva and Cody- Leigh

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Akram and P2/1 superheroes! 😀

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