Primary 3G

Primary 3 have had a very busy start to the new term! In PE we worked mainly on our co-ordination skills, thinking and talking about how our brain controls our movements. This led to some tricky games, skills and balances that pupils developed both on their own and while working with a partner. During this lesson everyone showed just how well they can concentrate and work together which was super!

All pupils have now got a new reading book that we will continue to work on regularly in class. As a reading focus this term we are working on our reading comprehension skills. To do this we make sure that we stop every so often while we are reading and discuss the story and the words. This will make sure we are not only identifying the words of the book but also developing our understanding and this is something pupils can also do at home.

I have been so impressed with Primary 3’s writing this week. We began with holiday diaries and then went on to planning and writing an imaginative story based on our Romans topic. Everyone has worked very hard to include great detail in their stories and there has been lots of lovely, neat handwriting too.

In maths we have worked on some tricky problem solving tasks as well as continuing our mental maths work. With lots of speedy answers I can tell lots of practise has taken place through the holidays.

Yesterday we reviewed our Roman topic as we took part in some research tasks all about the Romans (we have been singing about them too).

Well done Primary 3 on having such a good first week!

Miss Calder

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