News from P6/5

This week Primary 6/5 have been working hard to encourage the pupils and staff in the school to raise money for Red Nose Day.  Red Nose Day is part of the Comic Charity, which helps tackle poverty and social injustice in the UK and in Africa. P6/5 worked together to organise competitions, film stars for a school Joke-a-thon and rehearse for their class assembly.

Well done to Dean Burt for winning the Find the Nose competition and to everyone who made us laugh telling a joke. The winners of the Design A Nose competition will be announced next week. The class also held a wear red day for their assembly.

During the assembly, P6/5 shared information about the reasons for helping to support Red Nose Day and sang a great rendition of the official song, Put a nose on it!  Thank you to everyone for their donations.  Once the money is counted we will upload the total amount raised.  Every penny helps to change lives for the better!

Have a great weekend 🙂

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