Another busy week for P3G

Hi All,

Last week was another busy time for P3G and a highlight for everyone was taking part in the taster skateboarding sessions.  Everyone had a great time watching, learning and participating in this event and the children demonstrated a real talent/ determination when taking part.  Photographs to follow shortly!


We have been continuing to learn about the Romans and were researching what the soldiers in the Roman army wore and how these items helped to protect them in battle.  We have drawn our own soldiers, labelled soldiers clothing and made large classroom displays for this topic.  We will be looking at timelines next week and learning about when things took place within this period of history.

Numeracy and Mathematics:

P3G all got our logins for Education City and the class are really enjoying using this great resource to support their learning and help develop their knowledge and understanding of key concepts.  Several of the children have managed to log into this site at home and have been able to access the games sent home as homework.  However, we have been made aware of an issue relating to the site closing down for home use at 4.30pm.  We are looking into this issue and are hoping to be able to extend the period of time that children can access the site in the evening.


Head Teacher Awards: For writing an excellent newspaper report, with great use of the success criteria.

Congratulations to:

Freya Stewart

Callan Johnston

Kelsey Tait

Calvin Harkins

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