P6/5 News

It has been a few weeks since Primary 6/5 last posted to the blog, however the class have been very busy. This week started with the CAB Careers Conference for Primary Six pupils, where they had the opportunity to meet a variety of people and interview them about their job.  All of the pupils enjoyed meeting the invited guests and asked fantastic questions.  Hopefully they feel inspired to work hard throughout their education and strive to achieve their dream job!

Primary 6/5 went on their second class trip of the year on Tuesday to The Water of Leith Conservation Trust Centre to learn more about the Jacobites.  We were very grateful we went on Tuesday, rather than Thursday when storm Doris hit most of the country!

In the classroom, the children enjoyed looking at objects linked to the Jacobites, which included Muskets, wolves, Cockades and masks of key figures. The second part involved going outdoors to build shelters made from leaves and branches; and creating frieze frames in groups to demonstrate what life what like for the Jacobites camping in Edinburgh waiting on orders from Bonnie Prince Charlie.  The trip was exciting and a great experience for all.

Back in our P6/5 classroom, we have been concentrating on writing personal recounts of our experiences.  The writing in the classroom continues to develop well, with most children succeeding to producing extended pieces and trying hard to organise events into paragraphs.  I’m sure many of our parents and carers were pleased with our writing efforts when they looked at it during the Sharing the Learning session just before February break, and those who were unable to manage, will be surprised with their child’s effort and progress when they come along to parents consultations in March.  Big Talk homework is helping many pupils become more creative and confident in tackling Big Write on a weekly basis.

In Maths, each of the groups has been focusing on addition and encouraging pupils to discuss a range of strategies to use for solving problems.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


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