An update from P5/4

This week’s stars of the week are Kirstin and Layla.  Well done girls.

Raffle Winners

Pink chair – Esme

Sitting beside Mrs v at assembly – Layla

Sitting in Mrs V’s chair for one lesson – Ryan

Sitting beside a friend for one lesson – Robbie

Prizes from the prize box – Anton and Liam


Highlights from this week

Anna – I liked the unusual words in handwriting using the ae pattern.

Layla – I really liked doing the Character profiles in our big write this week.  I liked giving the character a name and getting to describe him.

Neive – I liked doing the Big write too.  It was fun.

Rachael – I really liked the mad maths minutes.  They were really challenging.

Anton – I liked reading the last chapter of Bills New Frock.  I really enjoyed the book and was interested to see what happened at the end.


What we’re looking forward to for next week

Brooke – I can’t wait for our trip on Monday

Harry – I’m looking forward to seeing inside Holyrood Palace.

Ryan – I’ve never been to Holyrood Palace before so I hope I see some exciting things.

Josh – I’m looking forward to the big write on Thursday.  We’re going to be looking at ‘setting’ next week.

Neve – I’m looking forward to doing more work on my times tables.  I don’t know all of them so I’m going to improve my knowledge.

Zander – I can’t wait for the mad maths minutes next Friday.  They’re really challenging and I like that.

Esme – I’m looking forward to spending time with some of the younger boys and girls at playtime and lunchtime.  I like playing with them and helping them.


Trip Information

As you are aware, we will be going on our class trip to Holyrood Palace on Monday.  The bus will leave at 9.05am sharp so please ensure that children arrive at school on time.  Full school uniform should be worn and a warm, waterproof jacket should be worn too.  Lunches should be brought in a bag with the child’s name clearly labelled.  Those who have ordered a school lunch will be given this before we leave the school.  Our estimated time of return is 2.30pm so we should be back in plenty of time for the end of the school day.  Please note that the children are not required to bring their school bags on Monday.  Everyone is really looking forward to the excursion and I will post photos on Monday evening after we return to school.

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