P5/4’s Super Scottish Week!

Another fun-filled busy week in P5/4.  This week the children have continued to impress me by their hard work and determination to improve themselves.

A few of the highlights (as chosen by the children) were:


Anna:  I loved writing the Mary, Queen of Scots poem.  It was really good because we got to tell her story by writing a poem.  It meant we could test ourselves to see how much we could remember.

Liam:  I liked doing this too as it was fun to work in our trios to think of rhyming words for our verses.


The children worked in trios this week to create a verse about a certain aspect of the life of Mary, Queen of Scots.  I was delighted with the results and couldn’t wait to share them with you.  We would all love to hear what you think!

Mary, Queen of Scots

By P5/4 and Mrs Vince


Poor wee Mary,

She wasn’t very happy.

She’d been the Queen,

Since she wore a nappy.


King Henry wanted his son,

To marry our wee Mary.

The parliament said NO!

Of him, they were very wary.


So Mary was sent across the sea,

In search of her new life.

Once there, she found her very best friend,

And then became his wife.


The marriage didn’t last for long,

For ill with an earache he fell.

In the same year as she lost him,

She lost her mother as well.


Mary came back to Scotland,

Bur France still felt like home.

She met and married Lord Darnley,

In a ceremony under a dome.


The marriage was blessed with a son,

Prince James was his given name.

His Daddy didn’t last for long,

Was his mother to blame?


Lord Darnely, he was murdered!

Mary found this a hasstle.

She married the Earl of Bothwell,

Then got imprisoned in Lochleven Castle.


She escapes and flees to England,

To ask Queen Liz for help.

Her cousin thinks she is after her job,

So locks her up with a yelp!


For 18 long years she stayed there,

She didn’t know the reason.

Until her cousin Elizabeth,

Found her guilty of treason.


Poor Mary know it was coming,

But didn’t want to be hurt.

Her head fell off the chopping block,

And landed in the dirt.


When Elizabeth and Mary died,

James became the one.

England and Scotland united,

The Union of Crowns was done!



As I’m sure you know, our class, along with P5, have been learning some Scottish ceilidh dances in order to meet some of the dance and health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes.  Here are some of the comments from our class which clearly show how much the children are enjoying this part of the curriculum.

Brooke:  I love taking part in the Scottish country dancing even though it can be really challenging.  This week we started to learn a new dance called the Virginia Reel.  We were in sets of 8 and I kept getting mixed up.  It was really good fun though.

Jack:  I really liked the Scottish country dancing too.  This week P4 were doing it with us and some P7’s too.  The Gay Gordon’s was hard this week as I got a wee bit mixed up!

Jay: I really liked the new dance that we learned this week.  It’s much easier for me to take part now that my cast is off. (Not that it ever stopped him before!)



We continue to have a whole school focus on handwriting and our class starts every day (Mon-Thur) with a 20 minute session on cursive handwriting.  The difference that it has made to the presentation of work, across the curriculum, is fabulous.  I can’t wait for you to see this at the sharing the learning sessions next week.

Scott:  I like practicing my handwriting every day because it reminds me to use cursive handwriting in all my work.



The whole class have been working really hard this block on subtraction – both mentally and using algorithms.  We have looked at a different strategy each week and tried to complete work to help us use and understand each strategy better.  This week we also had more of a practice using algorithms for subtraction two and three digit numbers, with exchange.  This is quite a tricky concept to master so we worked in pairs using our t-shirt number cards to practice this, before completing work independently.

Brihanna:  Maths is my favourite subject but the chimney sums were quite tricky this week.  I liked that we got a chance to talk things through with our partners while playing the games before we had to do the work.  It meant I could get used to what I had to do before having to do the work on my own.



This weeks stars of the week are Brihanna and Neive.  Well done girls.


Prize from the box: Emma and Neve

Pink chair: Zander

Beside Mrs V at assmebly: Brihanna

Sitting in Mrs V’s chair: Kaiden

Sitting next to a friend: Emma


Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the sharing the learning session on Wed and Thur of next week.

Mrs V

3 thoughts on “P5/4’s Super Scottish Week!”

  1. What a super poem! I work in Linlithgow Primary School and the boys and girls here are always very interested in Mary Queen of Scots as she was born in Linlithgow. I will pass your poem on to P6 and P7 whom I’m sure will also be impressed – well done P5/4, you have obviously learned lots!

  2. hi P5/4 and Mrs V
    A big thanks for cheering me up with ur Scottish Poem whilst I am recoopin at home. I’m glad to hear you are all working hard for your teacher. Kaiden enjoy keeping Mrs V’s chair warm for her as she does get a little cold sometimes, zander I think the pink chair should have a blue cushion on it lol. also nice to see Jay can boogie with his two arms now. keep up the good work and I hope to see you all soon.

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