P5/4’s Wonderful Week

We have had a fantastic ween in p5/4 with lots and lots of things going on.  Some of our highlights were:

Robert Burns drama workshop

Anna: I liked acting out the story of Robert Burns in the workshop on Wednesday.

Josh: I also liked the Burns’ workshop, especially when we got to make and go into our own time machine.

Kirstin: The best part of the Burns’ workshop was getting to perform to the rest of the school.  I was really pleased to get over my nerves.

Neve: The funniest part of the workshop was when Anton and Josh had to say ‘Every time!’ in a sarcastic voice.

Streetdance taster session

Rachael:  The taster session was really good fun because we learned new moves and got to practice ones we weren’t very good at.

Layla:  The session was really active and that helps to keep us healthy.

Neive: I loved it because I love to dance.

Mary, Queen of Scots topic

Robbie:  It was really fun working on our timelines this week.  We had to work in groups to work out the date for each piece of information.  We found out the dates by researching on the internet, then we had to work out which picture matched each date and piece of information.  It was tricky but good fun.

Scottish poetry writing

Zander: I like writing best of all because the classroom is always quiet and calm during it.

Jay:  I liked writing the Scottish poems because thinking of the Scottish words made our brains work hard!

Liam:  The best thing about the poetry writing was thinking of rhyming words and playing the rhyming match game.

Scottish Country Dancing

Robbie:  We learned ‘Strip the Willow’ this week.  It was quite tricky but really good fun.

Spelling Test

Brihanna: I like our spelling tests every week.

Christopher: I like testing my knowledge to see if I can get better.

Jack:  It was great this week because I got 10 out of 10.  We sang the 10 out of 10 song and I got two raffle tickets!


I love reading because it helps me get better at spelling as well as reading.


Esme: Maths was interesting this week because we were learning a different subtraction strategy.  It was tricky but we know that it will get easier with more practice.

Raffle winners

We had more raffle tickets than ever before given out this week – although we had fewer winners than ever before!  We started by doing the raffle dance (one of our favourite parts of the week!) then we chose our winners.  They are:

Prize from the box: Neve, harry and Anton

Pink chair: Neve

Mrs Vince’s chair for one lesson: Emma

Sitting next to Mrs Vince at assembly: Emma

Sitting next to a friend for one lesson: Emma


This week’s star pupils (who get to sit on cushions all week) are Emma and Anna – well done girls!

Homework next week

Homework will be given out as usual on Monday and is due to be fully completed and handed in on Thursday.  A quick reminder that homework club is available on Wednesday lunchtime for anyone who wishes to attend.  This is especially useful if you have been unable to complete homework at home for one reason or another.

In addition to the usual homework, this week the children will  be given a blank sheet  of paper home where they can design their own bench for the playground.  Winning entries will be chosen from each class and the Parent Council will decide on the overall winning entry for each category.  These winners will receive a prize as well as their design on one of the new benches for the playground!  Good luck P5/4!!

Most children have been able to learn at least the first verse of their Scottish poem, next week we will be adding actions and expression to this as well as beginning to learn the second verse.  Children would really appreciate an audience and feedback from friends and family at home.

Have a great weekend, whatever you’re doing.


Mrs V

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