Busy week for P4!

Here are just some of the things we have been doing in class:

We have designed and created our own Viking shields – Kenzie M

This week, we were learning how to Streetdance. Sam came to teach us and it was fun – Lauren

We were given our homework challenge this week – to make a model of a Viking longship – Jack C

In P.E., we are learning to do gymnastics, with Mrs Waugh. We have been learning how to do a ‘broken candlestick’! – Cara

We have been learning how to write our own Scottish poem about a friend – Sasha

We were working on rhyming words to help with our poetry – Lewis

In maths, we learned how to do 2-digit sums, mentally – Lewis

We painted a Viking longship and we all thought it was fun – Derek

Using a smartboard game, we figured out how much change we would get from 50p, if we were buying a toy – Erica

This week, we have been using a mental strategy to add on 9, 19, 29, etc and 11, 21, 31, etc – Teresa

We had to problem solve in maths, as we had to choose three of our items that would cost 80p, in total – Sasha


Please remember to return museum trip forms and money as soon as possible, thanks.

Only 1 week left of our Viking Homework Challenge!!!


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Stewart and P4. 🙂


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