Working well in p5/4!

Well what a productive week we have had in P5/4.  The children were all so keen to share their favourite parts of the week that I took a full A4 page of notes to share with you!

First of all, lets celebrate our successes.  Well done to Zander who received a head teacher’s award this week for his work in maths.  Also well done  to our WHOLE class who received a class award (along with p5) for the excellent work carried out in PE when we were working on our Ceilidh dancing.  I can’t tell you how proud I am of our class for their dedication, support of one another and tenacity! Keep this up!

This week’s raffle had the most tickets included that I have ever known!  This is all down to the hard work, attitude and kindness of the pupils in our class.  Our winners this week were:

Prize from the prize box: Kirstin and Zander

Pink Chair: Esme

Sitting in my seat for one lesson: Emma

Sitting beside me at assembly: Anton

Sitting beside a friend for one lesson: Brihanna

Well done to everyone who received a ticket in the raffle this week.


Some of the comments from the children in our class about the learning which has been taking place in p5/4 this week…

Brihanna: I loved working with a partner for spelling this week.  It really helped me to learn my spelling pattern.

Brooke:I liked the number talks we did this week on subtraction.  We used an empty number line to count on from a number.  This was something that I had never tried before when doing take away sums.  Once I got the hang of it, I couldn’t believe how easy it was!

Rachael: I liked our healthy snack and water challenge.  Those of us who managed to bring a healthy snack or water were rewarded with stickers and between a healthy snack and water, if we managed to get at least five points, we got an extra raffle ticket.

Anna: I liked our ‘Big Write’ this week.  I much prefer writing letters to stories as a story hasn’t actually happened but we were writing letters about something which might actually happen. (Our trip to Holyrood Palace)

Jack: I liked our reading this week because the questions were challenging.  They made me look at the words in the book in a different way.

Robbie: I loved learning the Dashing White Sargent this week.  I liked that we had to change groups so we got to work with everyone.

Emma:  I loved the ceilidh dancing too.  It was really energetic!

Christopher: I always like our spelling test  because it’s different every week.  Mrs V always makes up silly sentences to go with the spelling words.

Liam: I like the spelling test too because it helps me to remember spelling patterns that I can use in the rest of my work.

Zander: I liked using the blank number lines with my subtraction sums this week.  They really helped me to work out the right answer.

Kaiden: I liked using the Numicon in maths this week because it was new and it helped me.

Layla: Working on the family tree of Mary, Queen of Scots was really interesting.  I liked learning more about her family.

Anton: I love our handwriting every morning because there is always a calm atmosphere in our class when we are doing it.

Joshua: I like handwriting too because we need to focus when we’re doing it and that helps me focus and do neat handwriting in my homework.

WOW!  What a lot of things we have covered this week!

Next week.

Week beginning 23rd January is going to be even busier than this week, if that’s possible.

On Monday, the children will be given the opportunity to put their names forward for the local Burns’ poetry competition.  The poems for this will be given out on Monday afternoon.  Any child who does not wish to take part in the competition will be given out a class Scottish poem to learn instead.  These are both super opportunities for children to show off their listening and talking skills while learning about the traditional Scottish language.

On Tuesday our class will be taking part in a ‘Street Dance’ session in the school hall.  This should be lots of fun although perhaps a little tiring so make sure everyone brings water to drink in order to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day.

On Wednesday our class have been lucky enough to be offered the chance to take part in a Burns’ workshop.  This will take place on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon, they will perform what they have learned to the rest of the school.

On Thursday we have our usual Big Write session which will be focusing this week on Scottish poetry.  The Big Talk homework which will be sent home on Thursday will support this writing session.

As you can see, we have an extremely busy but fun week planned.  It would really help if you could ensure your child has water (in a named water bottle) that they bring to school every day.

Have a great weekend, whatever you are doing.

Mrs Vince.

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