Happy New Year from P3T!

We have made a great start to this year’s learning and have had a very busy week in P3T.

We have already started our Romans topic and have been learning some cool facts already from our information books. Did you know that the Romans made pictures out of little tiles! These were calledĀ mosaics. We have been using our adding skills to colour winter mosaics.

We have been learning about Roman Numerals- where we can still see them in our world today, how to recognise them and put them into the correct order. We have already made a clock display for the class with our numbers and Roman numerals too.

In science, we have been learning about forces and focusing on pushing and pulling forces. We have also looked at friction and how different materials can make things go faster or slower.

We all have our new reading books and spelling is up and running again after the holidays. Please help your child to bring their reading book to school every day and homework should be returned on a Thursday.


Mrs Bowman and Primary 3T

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