16.12.16 – Murrayfield Nursery Class

Christmas arrived in the nursery this week. We have had a Santa’s workshop in the building area with the children wrapping parcels. The musical instruments have been out and the children have been playing jingle bells. Yesterday there was a Santa’s sleigh with four reindeer pulling the sleigh along. The children enjoyed giving out the presents from the sleigh. Look out for the Christmas trees that the children have decorated and are displayed in the nursery.



Next week is the last week of nursery before the Christmas holidays. Wednesday is our Christmas party day and the children should come to nursery in their party clothes. A special visitor will be visiting the nursery parties and if you wish to see your child receive their present please come to the nursery at 10.30am for the morning nursery and 2.30pm for the afternoon nursery children.

The nursery will close for the holidays on Wednesday and reopen on Wednesday 4th January after the Christmas break.


The nursery team would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year.



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