P5/4 Indoor shoes and PE kit.

Good evening parents/carers,

I have noticed this week that quite a few of the children’s indoor shoes are becoming unsafe due to velcro no longer sticking or rubber coming away.  This Friday (25th November) I will be sending all indoor shoes home to be checked for size and/or safety by parents and carers.  Please ensure that the shoes are either replaced or returned on the Monday.

Many of the children still do not have both an indoor and outdoor P.E. kit.  I would really appreciate if children could be provided with shorts and t-shirt for indoor P.E. and leggings or tracksuit bottoms as well as a jumper or tracksuit top for outdoor P.E.  With the colder weather now here to stay for the foreseeable future I don’t want any of the children to get a chill while taking part in outdoor activities.

Many thanks for your support in this matter,

Mrs Vince

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