P5/4’s Wonderful Week!

What a fantastic week we’ve had this week.  We learned how to write a newspaper report including how to use alliteration to make your headline snappy!  Some of my favourite alliterations that the children came up with for our names were – Devious Drummond for Miss Drummond and  Mrs V’s Birthday Went Viral!

Thank you very much to my whole lovely class for the cards, gifts, singing and surprises for my birthday.  The children really helped make my birthday very special and I was completely spoiled!  They children worked especially hard that day too which made working on my birthday a pleasure!

This week’s favourite things according to the pupils were:

Anton – Giving Mrs V’s birthday cake to her.

Liam – Doing our newspaper reports on our class assembly.

Kaiden – Writing was really fun this week.

Robbie – Handwriting is always good because I enjoy it.

Zander – I liked rounding in maths using the whiteboards.

Harry – Maths was very enjoyable this week when we got to complete tasks using the whiteboards.

Rachael – Handwriting was challenging this week.

Neive – I loved getting a Head Teachers award for my writing this week.


This week’s raffle winners are:

Pink chair – Joshua

Sitting next to Mrs V in assembly – Jay

Sitting in Mrs V’s chair for one lesson -Ryan

Sitting next to a friend for one lesson – Neive

Prize from the prize box – Christopher and Robbie


Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs V. x

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